Invest Steuben Podcast

#001 - Get to know the Steuben County EDC and why we exist!

Steuben County EDC Season 1 Episode 1

In this episode, you will learn about how the Steuben County EDC was created and why we exist. What is it that we do for Steuben County Indiana?  You will learn about how our organization is funded and how both Public and Private Partnerships are required for us to be successful. As a 501 C(3) private non-profit organization, we talk about our 18-member Board of Directors; how they are appointed, nominated, and selected. Finally, you will learn more about our host and Executive Director, Isaac Lee. Learn about his experiences and background, his family, and why he choose Economic Development. And yes, there is a SimCity 2000 comparison in this episode that you don't want to miss. 

Invest Steuben, CoWork Steuben, and Steuben County Economic Development Corporation are all doing business as the Steuben County Economic Development Corporation. A true Private 501C(3) non-profit organization in the State of Indiana.

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