Invest Steuben Podcast
The Invest Steuben Podcast from the CoWork Steuben Wired Differently Content Creation Studio. On this show, we talk about everything economic development related for people who love and care for Steuben County and Northeast Indiana. Your host is Isaac Lee, the Executive Director for Steuben County Economic Development Corporation.
Invest Steuben Podcast
#002 - What is a Tax Abatement and How does it work?
Steuben County EDC
Season 1
Episode 2
In this episode, you will learn about how we do tax abatements within Steuben County. Starting with what an abatement is and how the local governing body establishes an Economic Revitalization Area, all the way to the end of the abatement process including the CF-1 Form Process. Also in this episode, someone sent me an email and you will hear a "you got mail" beep in the background. Guess we now know that we should shut the notifications off next time!
Invest Steuben, CoWork Steuben, and Steuben County Economic Development Corporation are all doing business as the Steuben County Economic Development Corporation. A true Private 501C(3) non-profit organization in the State of Indiana.